Saturday, April 21, 2012

Race #4

I made a goal and I'm sticking to it.

So, I worked last night. I got to leave a few hours early....early enough to take a nap and feel terrible. At 0700 my alarm clock went off and I said, oh heck to the NOOOO. A few minutes later my sweet little Heather called me. "Wake up" says this rested voice. At that time I wanted to choke her. I basically was guilted into getting my sleepy crack up.

We chose to run #4 at Fairview in honor of a cancer patient. The place was crawling with high school kids. When the race started they were gone like the wind. These girls know better than that. At half a mile they were dropping like flies. It felt good to be going on 30 smoking a bunch of high school kids :) I had no music to run with I was totally bummed. (Sidenote-I heart radio does not work in the sticks! I must get my ipod updated asap!)

So here is the results you all long to know.


Me 37:55

Bascially, being sick and junk killed us. Next race is in 2 weeks in Holly Pond. It runs right in front of our house!!!! I'm supposed to have a group of cheerleaders in our front yard :).  I want to run in in 33 or less. By the end of this, I would like a 5k in 30 or less. I gotta get back on the training bandwagon and take vitamin c. :)

Omg! There are people missing.....where is Lashey and Stacie???  Stacie is sick.:(( and Lashay is trying her best to get graduated from nursing school.  I hope we see them in Holly Pond!

Well it's nap time. Will restart 10k program tomorrow!!!

Love y'all


Ps. Not very many pictures were taken. Sorry we lacked motivation. Lots of pictures promised in Holly Pond.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

2 steps back....

The sick down time has killed my running :(. I am going to have to restart the 10k progam. My endurance has dropped big time. I ran a practice 5k on a track. It was tough. But, I guess it is part of it. Today, I am gonna run some hills and Saturday is race #4. I hope I finish in at least 40 minutes. No joke

I have decided I'm the worst dieter known to man. Gotta get my beach body ready though. NO EXCUSES. ;)

Watch for race #4!!!!



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Friday, April 13, 2012

Still sick....

My running day was terrible. I ended up using John's inhaler. I guess I will medicate up and start.back on Monday!

Too be continued .....

El sickly,


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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The sun will come out tomorrow.....

Tomorrow, tomorrow...I love you, tomorrow.....your sorry, feel like singing Annie today.

Finally, I feel like I may be able to start back running tomorrow. This sickness knocked John and me down several notches. So, week 3 of 10k program is the week I missed and where I will pick back up.....and I caved on the Dr. Pepper issues. It's all good. I will start again.....tomorrow, tomorrow. Jk, enough singing.

Less than 2 weeks til next 5k.....its a trail run. :/

220 days til half marathon. :)

Beach vacation is booked :D

Til next time my sweets,


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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dear sickness,

You are putting me behind on my running plan. I should be finishing up week 3, but due to the fact I need to pressure wash my sinuses I will be delayed a little.

Well, it is off to bed with my new love.....nyquil.



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Sunday, April 1, 2012


230 days, 8 races and a lot of training left til the half marathon. Yay!!! 

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